воскресенье, 28 февраля 2010
Если честно, я слабо понимаю, что нужно сделать такого плохого, чтоб тебя не прощали. Самое ужасное -предательство..но при большом старании и это прощается.
Я не знаю, Джея хорошо, тк когда я стала ими так сильно увлекаться, я попала на тот момент, когда какбы уже все...почти у него и кончилось.
Но все же, а как же уважение?..как же друзья и все такое?
То, что сказало представительство и мемберы крайне расплывчато и странно.Но все же они тоже много претерпели вшестером, байкоты, демонстрации, блин ну чуваки же работают! Да лидер-он нужен как ведущий, но все же, другие такие же участники.
Просто расстроило как отзывались другие мальчики, мутно и немного жестоко, хотя на показ мило и добро.
:/Q: Do you know of rumours that are spreading on the Internet? Aren’t you going to protect Jaebeom?
A (Wooyoung): We are not abandoning him, we are protecting him. I thought that if the details were released in future, I might regret my decisions.
(Chansung) Please do not question our friendship.
(Junho): After being told about what he had one, I honestly hated Jaebeom. We tried out best for his return; but right now, I think that staying silent is the best I can do about him.
(Taecyeon): Rumours will go away.
Q: How do the members feel about the boycott?
A (Junho): We thought that Jaebeom would return so we did not care. We merely thought of it as a problem that would get solved when he came back. But I would be lying if I said we didn’t feel hurt by it. If fans continue to boycott us after this, I think I’ll feel that they just don’t want to see us anymore. However, we will continue trying our best in singing and performing
Q: Isn’t JYPE responsible for announcing the reason of Jaebeom’s termination as, of all things, “serious personal wrongdoing”?
A (Representative): We had reasons for that. We did not want the 6 members to be traitors. The 6 is more important than the one. We also could not lie in a statement written to be viewed by the entire nation. The 6 members are victims in logical sense and if we did not reveal the reason truthfully then it would have created more rumours. That is why we revealed the reason truthfully, as “serious personal wrong doing”.
Q: We are told that only the members and few within the company know what wrong Jaebeom has done. If it is indeed a serious matter then we as fans do not want it to be released to the public either. However, since only few within the company and the members know of the incident, can we assume that if the details do slip out into the public then it had been released by JYPE?
A: We hope that the details do not get released to the public; however, there are people who are not within the company who are a part of the incident. There are possibilities of them releasing the matters so we cannot take any responsibilities.
Ща вот сижу и думаю, надеюсь на работе пошутили на тему , что завтра мы тоже работаем, тк они то шутили, то нет. Ну просто не выйду, пиздец конечно, но не смертельно.Блин стока ругани итак сеня вынесла, аж до пол восьмого.Паэтому пошло все нах.
Lee Junho,
Jang Wooyoung,
Hwang Chansung,
Park Jaebeom,
Nichkhun Buck Horvejkul,
Ok Taecyeon,
My random fandom,
Мысли вслух,
Kim Junsu,