Age; 21
Birthplace; Tokyo, Japan
Eye colour; Green
Hair colour; Black
Height; 5`6"
Weight; 120 lbs
Body type; Slim, fit
Orientation; Homosexual
Talents; Find out yourself
Weaknesses; I have none
Smoke?; I`m considering it...
Drink?; Now and again
Status; Single, depending on what Master says (с)
эбаут в настрой
Honestly, this isn`t what he pictured when he
thought about, `Beloved.` The young man grimaced at the thought,
tapping the white box he cradled lightly in his thin fingers. His
almost femininely shaped face consisted of a striking shade of ivory
skin surrounded by long, sleek locks of ebony hair that seemed
surrounded by darkness, even in the sunlight that glowed down upon him.
Now and again the people walking by would take a second glance his way
to make sure they weren`t imagining the strangely beautiful man
standing in the corner of the plaza, but his sharp, emerald eyes did
not raise to meet that glance.
The young man continued to fidget
with the white box in his hand, finally flipping it open and pushing
out a single, white stick of tobacco with his thumb. With amazing
delicacy but not much care he held the slender stick between his first
and middle finger, pushing it between his lips. But his actions soon
halted again as he held up the silver lighter to the end of the stick,
the stubborn flame struggling in the chilly air. His thin, white lips
smirked around the cigarette and he lowered the lighter, pulling the
cancer stick from his mouth. "No," he murmured to himself, his eyes
closed as the bitter smile still played across his face. "Master would
not approve." His emerald eyes turned up, dusted with thin, dark
lashes. Staring at the distant clouds for a moment, his broad shoulders
began to shake in laughter.
Not that he'd cared much what his
master had told him lately. The lack of time he spent with his `boss`
was dampening his obedience. And you might say his loyalty, too. In
fact, the reason that Akame Nisei was out and about
so early this brisque, January morning is because he was searching for
the new devoteé of his physical desires. `I don't feel such emotions as love or desire...`
he claimed. But his body, which was partially human, did. His Master
had not yet given him the pleasure of removing those troublesome kitten ears from his head; proof that the man was still a virgin. Akame ran his hand over his own smooth, earless head as he continued to think. But that was just the way Aoyagi Seimei was.
Aoyagi Seimei
Чтоб личные чувства к нему не забили весь канон..Aoyagi Seimei is shrouded in mystery, and because of this, fully
understanding him is extremely difficuly and I would venture to say
impossible at this time. Too much is not known to understand his
motivations and who he really is.
Early in Loveless, we learn of Seimei through the eyes of
others and it is only in these remembrances do we start to see Seimei.
At the beginning of Loveless, Aoyagi Seimei is dead. Murdered at age
17. Mourned by his younger brother Ritsuka, the picture of Seimei we
get is of a very kind and caring older brother. One who is willing to
face their mother's wrath to protect his younger brother. Through the
eyes of Agatasuma Soubi, we learn of Beloved. Seimei's true name, and
the cold, proud master he is. Together, they are a formidable fighting
team. Without Seimei, Soubi is lost until he takes up his orders given
to him by Seimei to be followed upon death. Take care of Ritsuka. And
here it would have ended, with Seimei the handsome and kind older
brother, if for one thing.
He is Ritsuka's older brother. Born on November 14th, his name
comes from the lunar day "Seimei", which falls around April 4th. He was
fifteen when he was found murdered, although he died under mysterious
circumstances and could only be identified by his dental records.
We later learn that Seimei had faked his death, but who the person was
that died in his place has not yet been revealed. He is also the
sacrifice of the Beloved pair. Soubi was given to Seimei (mostly at
Seimei's request) as a fighter when Seimei was only fourteen years old.
It is speculated by fans that there is some kind of rivalry between
Seimei and Ritsu over Soubi and perhaps over other things, but there's
no information in the series that confirms these speculations.
When Ritsuka lost his memory, Seimei stepped in and became an
extremely important figure in his life. He protected Ritsuka from their
abusive mother, Misaki, and was a great source of comfort and trust. As
a result, Ritsuka was hit hardest of all by the news of his brother's
death. He is very bitter and vengeful towards those who may have been
involved in the murder of his brother.
His personality is subject of great debate, and many readers have
very different interpretations of his actions. To make things more
confusing, the characters in the story themselves clash with their
different beliefs and experiences. Ritsuka claims Seimei was a kind,
gentle, loving person that always protected him. Soubi, on the other
hand, is almost afraid and spiteful of Seimei. He tells Yoji he would
have to wait a hundred years before Seimei would speak to him. Misaki,
Ritsuka and Seimei's mother, believes Seimei will protect her from
hurting Ritsuka. Others, such as Nagisa and 7, think he was cruel,
merciless, and hateful. They claim Seimei acted strangely and would be
close to no one, and go so far as refusing to eat in the presence of
anyone else. Soubi's friend Kio bitterly resents Seimei for the
apparently abusive manner in which he treated Soubi, but Soubi refuses
to back up Kio's accusations. Ritsuka denies all of this; however, he
has some startling flashbacks that show a more disturbed, obsessive
side of Seimei, and even sometimes borderline incestuous
behavior towards Ritsuka. Seimei has said in Volume 7 that in his
world, he and Ritsuka are the only two humans that exist and everyone
else to him is an animal. He later states in volume 8 that Ritsuka is
the only human alive that is exactly like him.
However, it has recently been confirmed that Seimei does indeed
have a violent personality, or destructive behavior at the very least.
In volume eight, Seimei stabs the wary Ritsu in the eyes after the two
have a short yet heated conversation about Soubi; the wounds leaves
Ritsu blind. Seimei then proceeded to write the haunting message
"Ritsuka I'm Back" on the wall in Ritsu's blood for his brother,
Ritsuka, to later see. There are also suggestions in canon that Seimei
possesses powers beyond that of a normal sacrifice. He has been
described as inhuman by Soubi and others.
Ну эт так чтоб не потерять, готовлюсь к челленджу и не знаю в какой цвет ему глаза красить..а так в основном и было все с ним ясно...
@музыка: Tatta Hitotsu no Omoi
@темы: Kouga Yun, manga, Loveless, Sin's crazy Love, Для памяти, Личное