He's alive!!
The most obvious reason would be CC calling to Lelouch in theclosing scene of the episode. As we can assume CC to be still sane, shemust be talking to someone, and that someone would most probably be thedriver of the cart: Lelouch would have to be alive.
Second, however, and this is where the others have thought thingsthrough, Lelouch is alive because he got his dad’s code. He beckonedthe World of C to lend him its powers, and he took Charles’s codebefore Charles passed on. The reason why Lelouch still has his Geass isbecause he didn’t take the Code from the same person who gave him hisGeass: he took his Geass from CC, and he took his Code from Charles.Thus, he now possesses both immortality and a Geass. This is also areason that the title is Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion.
To further corroborate this, however, remember that when Nunnallyheld Lelouch’s hand he transferred his memories to her. CC also did itwhen Lelouch touched her accidentally back then, so it could be assumedthat people with Codes are indeliberate telepaths. This leaves us withboth immortals traversing the world for the rest of eternity.
It’s a great end, friends.
P.S. Ending line of CC translated by bibi: “Geass is the power of kings, it will isolate you… well, I guess thats a little wrong… eh, Lelouch”
P.P.S. Additional evidence, courtesy of `Nergal and 4chan:
1. Charles grabbed Lelouch with his right hand, which had the Geass sigil.
2. Lelouch needed the fully evolved Geass to transfer a code.
3. The code doesn’t appear to activate until someone dies. Hence, whyC.C. was wounded when she first inherited her code. Same happened withCharles in the World of C.
4. When Lelouch touched Nunnally, Nunnally got a flash of his memories.This ONLY happens when a high potential Geass user touches someone withthe fully evolved Geass.
5. The title of the series is “R2″, which is similar to how “C.C” ispronounced. So Lelouch would be “R.R.” which is Engrish (I presume) forL.L., Lelouch Lamprouge.
6. When C.C. is talking on the wagon, she says “the power of Geassbrings loneliness…that’s not quite right is it, Lelouch?” and nods herhead in the direction of the wagon driver.
P.P.P.S More evidence, courtesy of an intelligent anon from 4chan:
Orange knew of Lelouche’s and Suzaku’s plan and helped them out byordering his men not to fire on Zero, he even smiled when Zerozakujumped on his shoulder.
Now would Orange, a man who devoted himself entirely to Lelouche andthrew away everything without a second thought be OK with a plan wherethe sole person he wants to protect in life is actually killed? Theanswer to that is NO, not even if Lelouche ordered him to accept theplan: he would not go along with it and would protect him with hislife. There is only one way that Orange would be OK with a plan likethat and thats if he knew about Lelouche’s immortality, which I assumehe did as he worked with V.V. in the Geass research base. Orange was OKwith this plan as he knew Lelouche would come to no harm and would beable to start a new peaceful life with the woman he loves in a worldwhich he himself had made peaceful.
Even at the end, we see Orange on his orange plantation, completelycontent with the way things have panned out, he definitely could not bethat happy had Lelouche actually died.
There it is, firm evidence of Lelouche’s immortality if the scene with C.C. and the cart driver wasn’t painfully obvious enough.
(I corrected a few spelling errors and run-ons, but preserved the original thought. It’s also quite convincing, if you ask me.)
Source :herehttp://animeotaku.animeblogger.net/2008/09/code-geass-r2-25-so-is-lelouch-dead-or-not/
@музыка: Takanashi Yasuharu- Tairitsu
@темы: Suka-love, Туплю, WTFack!tnoe, Betrayers of ..., Аниме, Личное, Увлечения, Code Geass
Wow....ты смотришь Гиасс.... наверное Ри уговорил)).....
Да уж...а мне вот такой ну как здесь причинно следственно объяснен конец...ну нравится или точней так: по-моему все так и есть..(а я в это верю...Хотя Санрайз мог иметь ввиду и что то другое...:confused
А вот про Ри не на-а-а-а-адо, я терь Юффи, помер, но по статусу все равно положено. Очень нравится. Поздновато, конечно, но влюбился. ))